Undergraduate Student Representative

Meet Ethan Sharkey, your undergraduate Student Representative for 2024-25.

Ethan Sharkey is your elected Undergraduate Student Representative for the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences. If you have any concerns or suggestions about teaching, the curriculum, or the community at the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences, Ethan is here to represent you. 

Welcome from Ethan

Hi, I'm Ethan, a UK student from Newcastle specialising in Pharmacology. As I enter my final year as an undergraduate, I am eager to work closely with the Deanery and students from across all year groups. My focus will be on improving cohort system delivery, answering students’ concerns, and ensuring your voices are heard. Please feel free to ask me if you or fellow students have issues concerning individual courses, teaching or the cohort system. I will do my best to elevate any issues or guide you towards the right contacts. I will be available throughout the academic year to discuss important academic or course-related matters. 

Get in touch

Email: E.Sharkey-1@sms.ed.ac.uk  

Teams: Ethan Sharkey/ s2188922@ed.ac.uk

You are welcome to request an in-person meeting with Ethan on campus. 

Ethan’s key priorities

  • Improving the Collection of Student Voices
  • Gathering feedback and building on the new Cohort system
  • Communication with students on Junior and Senior Honours