Biomedical Sciences programmes

Students on a Biomedical Sciences programme can apply only for General Exchanges.

Roys Peak taken by Student exchange Neil Taylor

Key information

  • Biomedical Sciences students cannot apply for Subject Specific Exchanges, except for the Subject Specific Exchange with Leiden University in the Netherlands.
  • Study exchanges are organised through the Study and Work Away Service (SWAY), which is part of Edinburgh Global.
  • All exchanges take place in the third year and are for a full academic year.
  • Anyone can apply, but the selection process is competitive based on your first-year performance as well as the personal statement provided in your application form.
  • The SBMS Exchange Coordinator can provide advice, support, and approval on academic issues (including suitable universities, course choices, and course approvals.)
  • Applications open for a limited time from 30 October 2024 (12 noon, GMT) and close on 13 November 2024 (12 noon, GMT).  

General Exchanges

General exchanges are available at over 50 institutions in 16 different countries.

While you are overseas you are expected to take a full year course load at the host institution. The courses should be at an appropriate level and have appropriate content such that they satisfy the requirements set out in the University of Edinburgh Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS) for your degree programme.

  • For all students in BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences programmes, a minimum of 2/3 of your credits should come from 3rd year or equivalent courses in biomedical sciences topics.
  • For students in the Anatomy and Development programme, you must take 3rd year-level courses in both Anatomy and Developmental Biology.
  • For students in the Neuroscience, Physiology, Pharmacology and Reproductive Biology programmes, a minimum of 1/6 of your credits should come from 3rd-year level courses in your degree specialisation (e.g. for Neuroscience students, this would be from neuroscience courses etc).
  • For students in the Infectious Diseases programme, you must take 3rd year-level courses in both Immunology and Microbiology.

Subject Specific Exchange

From 2025/26 Biomedical Sciences students are able to go on a Subject Specific Exchange at the Leiden University in the Netherlands. Leiden University offers one of the most prestigious Biomedical Sciences programmes in Europe, giving you the opportunity to become part of the next generation of pioneers in medical research and healthcare innovation. You will have the opportunity to engage with learning in a global biomedical research context which is also closely linked to the Leiden University Medical Centre. The Biomedical Sciences programme at Leiden University is a 3-year programme, and Edinburgh exchange students will join the programme during the second year, which is equivalent to third year difficulty level at Biomedical Sciences in Edinburgh. All courses are taught in English. This Subject Specific exchange is only available for students on the Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Biomedical Sciences, Infectious Diseases and Physiology Honours progammes within Biomedical Sciences, not for students on the Anatomy & Development or Reproductive Biology Honours programmes.

You will be able to take a range of courses in the areas of:

  • Immunology and Immunity
  • Neurosciences
  • Physiology
  • Pathology
  • Hormones and the Nervous System
  • Science communication

Visiting Leiden University

Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University

Study exchanges

How to apply

Step 1: Research partner institutions

Research which General Exchange institutions have courses that match Biomedical Sciences specialism. It is up to you to check that the institution you are interested in studying at offers suitable courses for your degree programme. Not all of them do, so this requires some research on your part. A good place to start is the Partner Guidance, available on the student exchanges website.

General Exchange Institutions

Partner Guidance 

Step 2: Information sessions

Attend a pre-application information session. These are hosted by Edinburgh Global and will provide more detail about the experience, the costs involved, and the application process.

Pre-application information sessions  

Step 3: Read the Application Guidance

Read the Application Guide that relates to your application, in full.  This document will guide you through all the procedures and requirements specific to your preferred exchange programme.

Application Guide

Step 4: Contact the BMS Student Exchange Coordinator

Once you have selected the university you hope to apply to, you should discuss your course selections with the Biomedical Sciences Exchange Coordinator, Sander van den Driesche.

Initial discussions should occur at the stage when you are deciding where to apply to go on exchange, to ensure that the host university offers appropriate courses. It is up to you to find out what courses are available at the host university before you contact Sander.

Contact Sander van den Driesche: Email

Step 5: Apply

Apply on the Global Exchanges website. Applications open on 30 October 2024 and close on 13 November 2024.

Guidance and timelines for applying

Step 6: Accept your place and apply to your host university

If you are successful you will be notified by Edinburgh Global in December/January with details of where you have been allocated a place. If successful, and after you have formally accepted your place (deadline in late January), Edinburgh Global will inform the partner institution of all nominated students.

You will then begin the application process to your host university. This is usually a formality but is absolutely necessary - your exchange place is normally provisional until you have successfully completed your host university's admission process. Failure to complete this fully and on time may result in your exchange place being forfeited.

Where to go