I contribute to a wide range of teaching activities (design, delivery, assessment and feedback) across undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences. Dr Elizabeth Davenport Teaching Fellow Biomedical Teaching Organisation Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences The University of Edinburgh Contact details Work: +44(0) 131 651 5017 Email: e.davenport@ed.ac.uk Role at the BMTOI have a prominent role in the pre-honours years with course organising and teaching responsibilities on the core Biomedical Sciences courses (BMS1, MB1 and BMS2). These courses aim to provide a solid foundational knowledge and key practical skills in the disciplines of biomedical sciences. Furthermore, I contribute to neuroscience teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level, supervise honours student projects and I am involved with the core components of the Medical Sciences honours programme.I have been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK since 2021.Research InterestsI trained in molecular and cellular neuroscience, and I maintain a research interest in understanding how the synapse functions in health and neurodevelopmental disorders.I am also keenly interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, specifically in ways in which we can improve student engagement in large pre-honours courses. Additionally, I explore novel ways to embed core scientific skills and experimental design into large undergraduate practicals.Visit Elizabeth's research profile. This article was published on 2024-11-28