You said, we did: Undergraduate Feedback

Your feedback is critical to implementing real change. We gather regular requests for change from our students, and wherever possible, we use this to develop what we do to make the experience of future students better.

Year 1

Integrative Biomedical Sciences 1

In response to comments about the assessment load being too great and too concentrated in Semester 2, the poster ICA was removed and next year they will change the timing of the essay to Semester 1.

Year 2

Building an Organism 2

Building an Organism 2 will introduce tutorials to practice short-answer questions of the format used in the exam in response to direct requests.

Biomedical Sciences 2 

  • We revised the essay 2 assessment task (in response to last year’s feedback).
  • We changed the tutorial structure and content – student feedback indicated that they felt tutorial 1 (essay writing) was a duplication of what they receive in BMS1 and MS1.
  • Tutorial 1 resources were put on Learn (for all students to access, but specifically for direct entry and visiting students).
  • A new tutorial on ‘Science Communication’ was delivered.

Year 3

Reproductive Biology 3

The class test previously held in a lecture theatre will be moved to a more appropriate exam room after students said they felt uncomfortable doing an MCQ in a lecture theatre.

Applied Pharmacology 3

Applied Pharmacology 3 will change the way of setting in-course assessment from Peerwise to Learn in response to negative feedback from students about use of Peerwise.

Molecular Biology and Epigenetics 3

The Poster assessment will be marked by two members of staff instead of one in response to direct requests.

Neuroscience 3

Over the past years, we have introduced lecture recording, a second practical, self assessment questions – all in response to student feedback. We also introduced an extra data handling session and are providing “perfect” data for their analyses as requested.

Physiology 3

We added extra information about practical report of mid-course feedback and will include this in the handbook next year.

Year 4

Plan to provide more specific feedback and guidance to workshops. (BCAI4) 

In response to student requests, we now run a workshop to prepare students for writing an essay

Developmental and Clinical Neuroscience 

Last year’s lecture recordings were made available to all students in response to student requests.

Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine 

An element of veterinary regenerative medicine has been dropped from the course in response to comments that the focus should be on human and not animal medicine.

Regenerative medicine 

Careers content moved to Y3 in response to student feedback that it was not early enough for some postgraduate applications.

Integrative Biomedical Sciences 3 & 4 

In response to student feedback, more guidance has been provided on the marking criteria for the reflective report element of one ICA.

Inflammation and inflammatory diseases 4 

Introduction of tutorials to support the group challenge were started in 2020-21 for the first time, and retained in 2021/22 as they were popular and useful.