Postgraduate submission of work

How to submit your work.

This guidance will apply to any postgraduate courses taken within the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the information in plenty of time before the deadline.

It is likely that the process may differ for any courses taken with any other School or Deanery – it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of local arrangements before the assessment deadline.

Your work must be submitted anonymously

All assessed work, unless explicitly stated otherwise, should be submitted anonymously. Your name and matriculation number should therefore not appear anywhere on any piece of work to be formally assessed. Instead, work should be identified by your examination number. You can find your examination number on your student card, if you have one. If not, your programme administrator can look this up for you. Your Personal Tutor will not have access to your examination number.

Word count

There is no standard fixed penalty for excessive word length in an assignment.  Please refer to individual course assignment briefs for full details.  Depending on the assignment type, the adherence to the word limit may be reflected in the mark returned.

How to submit your work

You will be required to upload a PDF copy of your assignment to a Turnitin drop box in Learn. You should follow the instructions provided in Learn by your course organiser and course administrator for where and when to submit.

Submitting a paper to Turnitin in Learn (a student guide)

There will be a cover sheet template available on Learn with the assignment drop box. Your assignment should be uploaded, including the cover sheet, as a single PDF document.

Please ensure that the assignment title when you upload your assignment includes your examination number.

Where to submit

If you are studying on campus, you may also be required to submit hard copies of your assignments. Please refer to specific instructions from your course organiser or course administrator for information about how many copies and where to submit your assignments. In all cases, the hard copy and electronic copy of your assignment must be identical, and both must be submitted by the deadline advertised.

Who to contact

Any queries about an assignment brief should be directed to the relevant course organiser. Any queries about the submission process should be directed to the course administrator.

Administrative staff will only be contactable during office hours (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm). If you experience technical difficulties outwith opening hours, please contact the IS 24-hour helpline.

Contact IS Helpline

If you do experience any technical difficulties in submitting before the assignment deadline, it is recommended to submit a copy of your assignment by email to the course administrator to date-stamp your submission and avoid penalties for late submission. Please do not email assessments to academic staff, as this compromises the anonymity of the marking process.

Biomedical Teaching Organisation (BMTO)

Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences

University of Edinburgh

Contact details