Feedback to us

We very much welcome hearing your views on how your course can be improved, and we'll do our best to implement your suggestions in the current or following academic year.

The BMTO course teams welcome hearing your views on how the course can be improved. We will act on your suggestions, where possible, in the current or following academic year.

We ask you to nominate class representatives whose role will be to communicate your views directly to the staff throughout the semester and at the Student Staff Liaison Committee meeting.

We will also give you a feedback questionnaire at the end of each semester for you to anonymously express your opinions on the course.

You are welcome to raise issues regarding the course directly at any time throughout the year by contacting the Course Organiser or the Course Administrator; both are named in your course booklet.

Your feedback is extremely helpful to us and can directly influence course changes. The data and feedback is reviewed by the Course Teams and by Teaching Management Executive and feeds into our annual QA processes.

Class Representatives

The University has a well-established class reps system, enabling students to raise general issues of concern about their courses. Reps are usually elected or can volunteer at the beginning of the year and their role is to communicate the views of the students on the course to the people responsible for running it. This might include general feedback on the course and more specific concerns like deadline clashes, difficulties in accessing resources or comments on the teaching methods used.

Find out how your class representatives can support you