Requirements to pass your courses

Most courses use a combination of in-course assessment and degree examination to arrive at the final mark for the course. Details can be found in the individual course books and on Learn, but there are some general rules covering courses run by the BMTO and BTO.


The way that the University organises its teaching and timetable has implications for your study methods and, in particular, how you plan your revision. Note that the first semester courses are examined at the end of the semester and there is little time for revision after teaching has finished. If you leave all your revision in all courses to the last minute it is unlikely you will have enough time to complete it satisfactorily. You are strongly advised to keep your work and consolidation up-to-date and not leave it until the last minute.

Requirements to pass your degree examination and in-course assessment

You will be expected to pass all individual components to pass the course overall

Normally, where individual components of assessment have their own specific learning outcomes you will be expected to pass all individual components to pass the course overall. In many courses this boils down to a requirement to pass both the degree exam and in-course assessment to pass the course overall. That is, you need to obtain a mark of 40% or more for both in-course work and degree examinations. If there is any variation on this requirement, this will be explained in the relevant course book.

It's possible to obtain an overall mark of 40% or more even though you have not achieved a mark of 40% in each component of assessment

Note that it is possible to obtain an overall mark of 40% or more even though you have not achieved a mark of 40% in each component of assessment. Under these circumstances, where the above applies, you will have been deemed to have failed the course. In years 1 and 2 where resit assessments are available you will be required to retake the component(s) of assessment you have failed and obtain a mark of 40% or more to pass the course.

There are penalties for late submission of assessed coursework

Late coursework submission

Special Circumstances

Examination Grades

Common marking scheme