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CMVM staff recognition awards

04 May, 2023

Congratulations to Morag Laidlaw, Head of BMS Research Management, for winning the Outstanding…

Neuroscience student through to Three Minute Thesis Final 2023

04 May, 2023

Congratulations to Arish Mudra Rakshasa, a Neuroscience PhD student, who is one of nine finalists…

Ferrier Prize Lecture 2023 - Prof Richard Morris

27 April, 2023

Congratulations to Professor Richard Morris, winner of the Ferrier Medal and Lecture, who presented…

Fertility conference win for Cara and Scarlett

10 February, 2023

Congratulation to Cara and Scarlett, final year Reproductive Biology BSc and Biomedical Sciences…

New paper in Neuron sheds new light on the fragile X protein mystery

26 January, 2023

A new study from the Osterweil lab, (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences), shows that brain cells…

CMVM Staff recognition awards 2022

08 December, 2022

This years’ CMVM Staff recognition awards ceremony held in the Playfair Library were a wonderful…

Drug shows promise for motor neuron disease

08 December, 2022

A drug typically used to treat enlarged prostates and high blood pressure has shown promise as a…

Rowing the Atlantic (article by Charlotte Stapley for the Bulletin magazine)

07 December, 2022

This December, Rufus Mitchell-Heggs, a Computational Neuroscience PhD student in the Centre for…

Anatomy Public Workshops return in 2023

27 October, 2022

Anatomy@Edinburgh are pleased to announce the planned return of the Anatomy Public Workshop Series,…

Blog post by Student Rep Aditi Jain

28 September, 2022

Student Rep and Pharmacology student Aditi Jain blogs about her tour of the AstraZeneca Discovery…

Richard Morris wins Ferrier Medal 2022

15 September, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Richard Morris (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) who is this year&…

A celebration of the scientific career of Prof Gareth Leng

15 September, 2022

The Journal of Neuroendocrinology has published a special issue to mark Professor Gareth Leng&#039…

Dr Jennifer Paxton named as New Fellow of the Year by the Anatomical Society

27 July, 2022

Congratulations to Dr Jennifer Paxton, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, who was awarded the…

Survey of design and analysis training across the UK selected for PTAS grant award

29 June, 2022

Congratulations to Dr Crispin Jordan and Dr Nicola Romano and their colleagues who have been…

Congratulations to Dr Carole Torsney EUSA Personal Tutor of the Year 2022

16 June, 2022

Dr Carole Torsney (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) has been awarded the EUSA Personal Tutor…

Taking the plunge - 100km charity swim around Arran

18 May, 2022

Dr Andre Phillips, Teaching Fellow in Reproductive Biology for the Biomedical Teaching Office,…

HEA Fellowship success

02 May, 2022

Congratulations to all our staff who have gained Fellowships from the Higher Education Academy this…

Principal’s Teaching Award success

29 April, 2022

A project led by Dr Dawn Livingstone (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) has recently received…

Celebrating the Patrick Wild Centre this #WorldAutismDay

31 March, 2022

This World Autism Day we are celebrating the work carried out by our colleagues at the Patrick Wild…

Prof Jamie Davies honoured as Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellow

31 March, 2022

Huge congratulation to Prof Jamie Davies (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences), who is one of 80…