BMS caring grant scheme

Biomedical Sciences offer funding towards caring costs for seminar speakers/conference presenters.

What is the caring grant scheme (previously the childcare grant scheme)?

We recognise that people with caring responsibilities (for adults or children) can find it very difficult to take opportunities to give seminars, present work at conferences or take part in training/development opportunities. These activities are important to promote the visibility of scientists/educators, to allow networking and for career development. Biomedical Sciences offer discretionary grants of £100 (£200 in some circumstances) to help towards any increased caring costs resulting from such travel/activities. 

BMS caring grants are for:

  • Members of BMS (including research staff and students) presenting work at a conference or giving a seminar at an Institute outside Edinburgh.
  • Speakers from out-with Edinburgh who are invited to give a seminar within BMS
  • Support for members of BMS (including Professional Support staff, research staff and students) to attend a course that includes a strong individual training element.
  • External examiners coming to Biomedical Sciences for student examinations.


To be eligible to apply for the grant, the following criteria must all be met:

  • The applicant must be presenting work (i.e. not simply attending the conference), or attending a course with a strong individual training element.
  • For people presenting at a conference, the applicant must check and confirm that the conference does not provide free caring.
  • Applicants cannot receive more than two BMS caring grants in any one academic year.
  • Applicants should acknowledge funding in any presentation.


If you would like to apply for a caring grant please complete the following form;

Application for a BMS caring grant

Further information

if you have any further questions, please email the Biomedical Sciences finance manager, Morag Laidlaw: