Student comments

Read testimonials from some of our students as they describe their experience of studying with us.

I enrolled on this course after a long career in farm animal veterinary practice in the UK. The programme has offered almost all that I had hoped for- (the only downside being missing the opportunity to meet fellow students face to face at a summer school because of the SARS-Cov 2 pandemic).

The modules I studied in the taught course were challenging, thought provoking and trained me to examine evidence and research references in a way I had not done before. It is great to be made to think beyond one’s narrow borders after a long period of immersion in UK agriculture. The on-line interaction with other students, working in a wide variety of fields across the world, is a highlight. The course has been designed to be delivered on-line so the forums are user friendly and “ nudge” one into posting and making evidence backed points. Occasional Teams calls give further opportunities to “ meet up” and provide a taste of the day jobs of other students. It is fascinating to interact with those studying across the whole Global Health / Wildlife and Ecosystem health spectrum on the various shared courses.

Studying epidemiology during the Covid pandemic was particularly apt timing. The learning and work on my dissertation has enhanced my input as a board member for both the Moredun Foundation and the British Cattle Veterinary Association.

I recommend this Masters programme to any veterinary surgeon with a role in dealing with infectious diseases of livestock, wherever you might be in the world and whatever stage you are at in your career!

Bridget Taylor

Studying MSc.IAH was the best thing that has happened to me. This degree is very valuable. The training and experience I obtained are employed every day in my work as wildlife veterinarian. I was promoted to a senior position immediately after graduation.

Robert Aruho, Uganda

This whole programme has been administered so efficiently and effectively, I really have been pleasantly surprised with how positive an experience it has been learning so much content through an online platform.

Sarah van Dyk, Australia

I am most delighted by the outcome of three years of consistent and wonderful work. I trust the education and wisdom gained will be of help (now and in the future) to myself, my country, the people of the world and most importantly the wildlife I serve. The role of my supervisor was central and a guiding light in the landscape of science. For this I owe a debt of gratitude for patience, guidance and encouragement through out the entire period at Edinburgh University.

Matthew Ndunda, Kenya

I love my work, but after spending so many years in specialty practice my knowledge of other areas of veterinary medicine was dwindling, and this was a source of sadness for me as I always wanted to reach out to the world. In that respect this programme has been an "eye opener" and a "brain opener" for me, and I feel more like a veterinarian and more in touch with my profession than I have for many years.

Michael Zigler, Canada

I am an Italian veterinarian with a broad experience in zoo and wildlife medicine. Although I have been working for over six years in a global context and I am now employed in a OIE reference laboratory, I found the MSc in International Animal Health an excellent programme. This was my first studying experience with the University of Edinburgh and I found the overall programme exceptionally prepared and organized. Topics discussed and lectures are very focused to develop practical skills and to prepare the student to either a research career or as a private/consultant veterinary epidemiologist. I encourage everybody interested in exotic diseases or willing to work in the epidemiology field to enroll in this course that offers a broad understanding of the numerous factors affecting the continuing changing international context.

Andrea Capobianco Dondona, Italy

MSc IAH is the best programme any student interested in developing livestock industry and studying One Health especially in developing countries can enrol in. It really changes ones perspective on how to solve problems in a pragmatic manner. The course instructors and the lecturers are very supportive and efficient. Because it provides a deeper understanding of issues it does change the behaviour of a student in that one becomes very professional, thus influencing his/her peers by the way one articulates issues be it orally or written or as a way of a debate. Even though it is hard work, it is worthwhile.

Walter Okello, Kenya

Kim Picozzi and Ewan MacLeod were incredible. I can’t say enough about them both. Their support has been above and beyond the call of duty, and nothing ever seemed too daunting. I sometimes imagined them receiving the same questions, the same emails about problems with the website or a PDF that wouldn’t open or a program that wouldn’t download...but they never relayed impatience in their emails, and this made it easy for us to communicate openly with them. Their professionalism, but at the same time, informal friendliness made the development of the relationship, irresistible.

Elena Garde, Chile

The International Animal Health programme gave me an opportunity to broaden my academic horizons and gain practical research experience through completing my dissertation, which provides excellent credentials when seeking jobs or research placements. One of the most rewarding aspects of the course was the interactions with other students, through the online discussion boards. I was challenged by other students' perspectives and benefited enormously from hearing about my classmates' experiences in their home countries and respective fields of work. I particularly enjoyed the summer school in Laos and some of the lectures I attended there have inspired me and stayed with me, as have many of the people I met there. The course is challenging but extremely rewarding both intellectually and in terms of prospects afterwards.

Ben Wall, England