Tamari Yu: broadening your career horizons

Tamari explains how the programme has broadened her horizons and helped her to move up in her career.

What is your background?

My background is in zoology and I had been working closely with endangered species confiscated in illegal wildlife trade before undertaking the Masters in Biodiversity, Wildlife, and Ecosystem Health. 

After completing the course, I started working on wildlife population monitoring and managing human-wildlife conflicts before COVID. I am currently doing a veterinary medicine degree and aim to combine my interests in wildlife conservation, epidemiology, and veterinary medicine with my career. 

What were your biggest learnings?

My experience with this MSc course was very rewarding. I came from a conservation background, however I was still able to learn many new skills and gain new insights in conservation. 

The course encompasses a wide range of topics surrounding wildlife conservation, from ecological principles, scientific analysis, epidemiology, and data handling, to social sciences. These have given me a solid background that pulls all the topics together and I was able to apply everything I have learnt to my work. I learnt practical scientific skills in using R and QGIS that have allowed me to diversify my skills and build my career further. 

What were the highlights of the programme?

Throughout the course my dissertation supervisor was most encouraging and supportive, and the feeling of achievement was very worthwhile. Another highlight for me was the summer school field trip. We were able to learn about Scottish wildlife and conservation issues in depth alongside our course mates who traveled from all around the world.

How has the programme impacted your career?

I can’t tell you how many exciting projects I have been involved in, and more importantly the changes that you can make truly matter. I felt that the MSc course has steered the course of my career by broadening my horizons and allowing me to advance up the career ladder.  It has been a privilege to share my experiences and expertise with my classmates and to return as a course tutor on the MSc course.