Archived news from the School of Biomedical Sciences from 2014.

The Anatomy Museum have contributed to a small one-case Christmas display, on the sixth floor of the Centre for Research Collections.

Congratulations to the Brophy lab who have been awarded £765,438 from the Medical Research Council to study how the node of Ranvier is assembled.

Professor Juergen Haas will be taking over as Head of Infection and Pathway Medicine

The Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine has been awarded to three scientists who discovered the brain's "GPS system".

The School of Biomedical Sciences is delighted to announce that it has received a renewal of the existing Athena SWAN Silver award.

A new study suggests people can become addicted to eating for its own sake but not to consuming specific foods such as those high in sugar or fat.

Join us for the fifth anniversary of the Our Changing World series of public lectures that bring together today's leading thinkers to tackle some of the world's most pressing questions.

This document provides the Head of School profile details and Head of School selection criteria.

A virtual cadaver - one of the first of its kind in the UK- is to go on display at the University’s School of Biomedical Sciences.

The School of Biomedical Sciences is proud to announce the promotions of 4 members of staff with effect from 1st August 2014. Congratulations to them all!

Babies suffering from bacterial infections like sepsis could benefit from better treatment, thanks to a ground-breaking study.

Bold and striking images capturing the beauty and complexity of the brain have gone on display in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

Congratulations to Prof Jamie Davies, who has been awarded a Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in recognition of the impact of his contribution to teaching and learning.

Congratulations to Professor Anura Rambukkana and his lab who have had their leprosy paper listed in Cell's top papers for 2013.

Professor Sue Welburn, Director of the Division of Pathway Medicine has received a prestigious award for services to sleeping sickness by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture Uganda.

Winners of the 2014 EUSA Teaching Awards, which recognise positive contribution to student learning, have been announced.

The School of Biomedical Sciences was deeply saddened by the death of Prof Tony Harmar on Thursday 10th April.

Congratulations to Prof Jamie Davies (CIP) whose book, ‘Life Unfolding: How the Human Body Creates Itself,’ was published on 27th Feb 2014 by Oxford University Press.

Congratulations to Professor Richard Morris, Director of CCNS, who has received the most prestigious award from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Dr Tara Spires-Jones, of the Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems has been awarded a grant of £450,000 from Alzheimer's Research UK.

Understanding how early life experiences may affect food choices in adulthood will be investigated as part of a major new research initiative.

Cutting edge facilities to aid research into the causes of autism and other brain conditions have been opened by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal.

It is with great sadness that I have to report that Professor Alastair Aitken, a valued colleague and friend to many in SBMS, died on Thursday 6th February, having been ill since November.

Our friend and colleague Dr Marc-André Martel died suddenly on 11 January 2014 at the age of just 34.