Neuroyoga: the science of yoga and meditation

Apr 16: Is yoga all in the mind? This was the question that was asked at the sold out Neuroyoga event in the 2016 Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Neuroyoga event at Science Festival

The event combined a practical yoga session with a panel discussion between leading neuroscientists who asked whether current neuroscience can explain the effects that yoga has on the body and mind. 

The event was chaired by Dr. Iris Oren, and kicked-off with an introduction to the founding principles of yoga by yoga teacher, Karen Kirkness. This was followed by presentations by three University of Edinburgh neuroscientists whose research is centered on fields in which yoga has been suggested to have benefits. Prof. Megan Holmes reviewed the literature regarding yoga and stress hormones; Prof. Stephen Lawrie discussed the effects of yoga on brain structure and function, while Dr. Richard Chin asked whether yoga has potential as a treatment for epilepsy.

The panel discussion was followed by audience questions, and closed with Karen Kirkness leading a yoga session for the audience and panelists.

This event was jointly sponsored by the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences and Meadowlark Yoga. 

Further reading

British Journal of Psychiatry article on how yoga improves mental health

Article from Cochrane Library on yoga as a therapeutic option for epilepsy

Article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience on the neurological effects of yoga-based practices