BMS receives high acclaim from prize winning Chinese students

Feb 16: Biomedical Sciences hosted a successful and highly enjoyable visit by a group of Chinese secondary school students on the 2nd and 3rd of February.

Edinburgh University staff and Chinese high school students take part in a workshop

The students were the winners of a China-wide Biomedical Sciences competition run by Scientific American / Global Science magazine, and their prize was a trip to the UK including time at the University of Edinburgh, Cambridge University, and Imperial College London.

The students took part in workshops and practicals led by academic staff and PhD students involved in the University of Edinburgh – Zhejiang University collaborative project, as well as PhD students from the Centre for Integrative Physiology.

The visit concluded with the school students developing and delivering their own group presentations on cardiovascular public health risks in China.’

The group absolutely loved their programme with you and found it very useful. They felt very well looked after and it will be hard for us to match this with the other UK institutions' lectures in terms of the combination you had – experts in biomedical science with very good understanding of Chinese culture – staff that were teaching in China, Chinese student joining for dinner and helping with the workshops etc. We will certainly try but I think your programme was the most comprehensive