Best Peer Support Group award for Biomedical Sciences

On the 23rd of March 2016, the Biomedical Science’s Academic Family Peer Support Scheme was awarded a EUSA Impact Award for Best Peer Support Group.

Academic Families leaders at EUSA Impact Awards
Academic lead Deborah Shaw with student leaders Emily Wilson, Katy Homyer, Roisin Ryan and Ashley Tyrer.

The award recognises our work with Academic Families, a programme where new students are welcomed, guided and encouraged by more experienced students. 

EUSA Impact Awards celebrate outstanding projects and people within Student Representation, EUSA Global and Peer Learning and Support.

Present at the awards ceremony were Academic Family student leaders Emily Wilson, Katy Homyer, Roisin Ryan and Ashley Tyrer.

There are around 50 Peer Support Groups at the University of Edinburgh. The Biomedical Sciences Academic Family Peer Support scheme is only in its second year.


I am delighted that the Biomedical Sciences Academic Family scheme was the winner of the 2016 EUSA Impact award for Best student Peer Support Group at last night’s EUSA awards. This has been a great team effort led by Debbie Shaw in BMTO together with the outstanding Academic Family student leaders. We very much look forward to the Academic Family scheme going from strength to strength over the next few years.

Academic Families provide welcoming structure for new students, as well as supporting them to explore the full range of experiences available at the University.

New students are automatically assigned to their family during Welcome Week, and meet two or three times per semester.

I am incredibly proud and delighted for our all our student leaders to be recognised as the Best Peer Support Group in the EUSA impact Awards. The Biomedical Sciences Academic Family Peer Support Scheme is only in its second year of operation so to be acknowledged with this award is a great testament to the hard work and effort of our student family leaders, committee members and staff who help support the scheme. Through our scheme all our new entrants are supported for their entire first year of study to help with their transition into higher education and importantly are made to feel a very welcome part of our Biomedical community.