Academic Families get delicious welcome

This semester our Academic Families got a delicious welcome back with a pizza party, part of our Peer Group Support programme in which more experienced students guide new students, helping them to have the best possible experience with access to a wide range of facilities.

Amazing volunteers

Group photo at Academic Families Pizza Party

Academic Families is a very successful project, supported by our staff at Biomedical Sciences.

First Year students are allocated to their Families before arrival, receiving a personal email from the volunteers and information about the scheme. Students are placed in groups of 8 to 10 with 2 to 3 volunteers leading each Family group. 

There are about 40 amazing volunteers and a similar number have shown interest for next semester.

To welcome all our students back we hosted a pizza party in the common room. We had a good mix of parents and children, about 30-40 people in total, and they all seemed to mingle in amongst each other. I thought the pizza party went really well as people stayed and chatted to people they hadn't before. It seemed to provide a really informal platform for discussion and helped to develop a sense of community between us all. We actually had some international visiting students with us as well and that also seemed to increase the buzz about all things biomedical, christmas holidays and the upcoming semester.

Emily Wilson
Biomedical Sciences Academic Families Committee member
Group photo at Academic Families pizza party


Related Links

Get Peer Support with the Edinburgh University Students' Association.

Peer Support

Find out what Biomedical Sciences Academic Families can offer you.

Academic Families