Delsys Prize for Innovation in Electromyography

Nov 15: Congratulations to Prof Richard Ribchester who has been awarded the 13th Annual Delsys Prize for Innovation in Electromyography.

The award recognizes Richard's contribution to applications of fibre-optic confocal endomicroscopy (CEM), as a tool for direct visualization of neuromuscular junctions and motor nerve fibres in muscle.

I feel honoured to receive this award, which I view as recognition for the work of myresearch group, especially Dr Rosalind Brown who put such sterling effort into making the combination of CEM and EMG work together.

Richard's work received further support recently with research grants from the MRC and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Richard and his team are aiming for CEM-EMG to eventually become part of routine diagnostic neurology; but there are still some significant obstacles to overcome. At present, Dr Paul Skehel, Professor Tom Gillingwater and Richard Richester (all CIP) are searching for fluorescent compounds that will enable them to image neuromuscular junctions in human subjects, safely and with sufficient contrast, thus making future clinical applications of the technique possible.


13th Annual Delsys Prize Winner

Prof Richard Ribchester's research profile