Huge congratulation to Prof Jamie Davies (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences), who is one of 80 new Fellows elected to join the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) for 2022. Prof Jamie Davies has been elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh – a wonderful recognition of his scholarship in research and teaching and in his leadership of the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology. The award of FRSE to Jamie adds to the very impressive list of fellowships he holds from many learned societies. Being elected a Fellow of this remarkable institution is an unexpected honour, and I hope that I can find a way to work with other Fellows to further the excellent work that RSE does to support science in Scotland Prof Jamie Davies, Professor of Experimental Anatomy Image About the Society Fellowship of The Royal Society of Edinburgh includes people from a wide range of disciplines - science & technology, arts, humanities, social science, business and public service. Candidates for Fellowship are nominated by existing Fellows. Each candidature undergoes a rigorous five-stage annual selection process which culminates in a ballot of the whole Fellowship. The ballot result is announced in March each year. Further information View full listing of new Fellows 2022 on the RSE website Prof Jamie Davies staff profile Many congratulations Jamie! Publication date 31 Mar, 2022