New collaborative paper in Molecular Cell

Dr Gracjan Michlewski (Infection Medicine) has published a collaborative paper in Molecular Cell on the dynamics and roles of RNA-bound proteome during viral infections.

RNA-binding proteome in uninfected cells
RNA-binding proteins distribution and functions change in response to virus infection, mainly due to deep variations in RNA availability. Importantly, ‘‘altered’’ RNA-binding proteome is critical, as its perturbation affects viral fitness or/and the ability of the cell to counteract the infection.

An international group of researchers led by University of Oxford developed ‘comparative RNA-interactome capture’ to analyse the RNA-bound proteome during virus infection. >200 cellular RNA-binding proteins change their binding activity in response to this challenge, mainly driven by transcript availability. Many of these RNA-binding proteins regulate viral replication and can be targeted to influence infection outcome.


The compendium of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) has been greatly expanded by the development of RNA-interactome capture (RIC). However, it remained unknown if the complement of RBPs changes in response to environmental perturbations and whether these rearrangements are important. To answer these questions, we developed “comparative RIC” and applied it to cells challenged with an RNA virus called sindbis (SINV). Over 200 RBPs display differential interaction with RNA upon SINV infection. These alterations are mainly driven by the loss of cellular mRNAs and the emergence of viral RNA. RBPs stimulated by the infection redistribute to viral replication factories and regulate the capacity of the virus to infect. For example, ablation of XRN1 causes cells to be refractory to SINV, while GEMIN5 moonlights as a regulator of SINV gene expression. In summary, RNA availability controls RBP localization and function in SINV-infected cells.

Further information

Read article in Molecular Cell

Dr Gracan Michlewskis lab profile

Infection Medicine website