DIPM host 2nd year students from Denmark

The DIPM welcomed a group of student visitors from University College of South Denmark on 22 May 2018. Their visit was organised by the Division of Infection & Pathway Medicine (DIPM) and Edinburgh Infectious Diseases (EID) .

students from University College of South Denmark

Professor Juergen Haas, Head of DIPM, welcomed the group and gave a presentation focusing on the Division’s teaching and research activities. Dr Juan Carlos Jimenez Castellanos, Postdoctoral Research Fellow from the Division's Schneiders Lab, gave a lively introduction on some of the AMR research which they are undertaking. Sarah Stedman, PhD student from the Bachmann Lab, gave an introduction on current AMR research being carried out in her lab.

Over coffee and scones, the student visitors had a lively discussion with DIPM staff and students about the two posters, produced by PhD student Aishwarya Saxena and Charlie Metcalf from their research projects.

The group were then given a tour around the DIPM labs and microbiology labs at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

The student visitors enjoyed their visit to the DIPM. It helped them to understand some current research topics which are being undertaken in the area of Infectious Diseases at the University of Edinburgh. They also value the experience of seeing how research and clinical labs are set up in the UK.  


Further information

Prof Juergen Haas lab profile

Dr Thamarai Schneiders lab profile

Dr Till Bachmann lab profile

AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) website

Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine website