Scottish Hand Surgery Symposium, Friday 9th December 2022. Image Friday 9thDecember 2022, Anatomy, The University of Edinburgh, Old Medical School (Doorway 3), Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG. Call for abstracts for podium presentations from Medical Students, Foundation and Junior tier Doctors, closing date Friday 7 October at 5pm. Symposium registration: To register, please visit the registration page. Call for abstracts for: Scottish Hand Surgery Symposium Friday 9th December Anatomy, Old Medical School, Edinburgh University, Teviot Place, Edinburgh Please submit abstracts for podium presentation in any aspects of emergency and elective hand surgery with a target audience of trainees. Original research projects, closed loop audits and quality improvement will all be considered. Case reports will be considered on their merits. Closing date for abstract submission: 5pm 25/10/22 Submit to: with subject heading: 'Abstract submission: research / audit /QI / case report' (as appropriate ) First Author of Core trainee, Foundation trainee, junior clinical fellow and medical students only. Please submit an abstract of up to 250 words with the following sub headings. Introduction, methods, results and conclusions. If your submission is a case report please indicate this in the title. Format of the abstract should be: Title Authors Affilliations Introduction Methods Results Conclusions Please submit as a word document text only (.docx). Times New Roman font, size 12pt. 1.5 spacing. This article was published on 2024-08-05