Edinburgh Surgical Anatomy Series

This series aims to support Surgical Trainees in Scotland throughout their basic and sub-specialty training.

All of these courses have been designed and developed in collaboration with the NHS Scotland Deanery and are delivered jointly by practicing clinicians (consultants; senior trainees) and clinical anatomists. Each of the courses provides a hands-on review of cadaveric material (embalmed, fresh frozen) tailored to the needs of trainees at each level and sub-specialty interest.

Core Surgical Training (CST) Regional Anatomy Programme

(Surgical Leads: Satheesh Yalamarthi; Mark Vella)

This series forms part of the Improving Surgical Training Strategy (IST; 2018 to date) and is offered to all Core Surgical Trainees in Scotland.  

The programme provides a targeted revision of whole-body anatomy to MRCS level and beyond, and is delivered as 3 study days covering the surgical anatomy of the Head & Neck, Trunk and Limbs. The series runs 3 times a year, to provide all trainees with the opportunity to review the whole body. Each day utilizes cadaveric material in a small group setting (7-8 trainees per group) to review the three-dimensional anatomical relationships underpinning physical diagnosis and safe surgery.

A stand-alone revision day also enable trainees to review whole-body anatomy in a self-study format, with tutors on hand to address individual questions and/or queries.


Higher Surgical Training (HST) Sub-specialty Study Days

(Surgical Leads: see individual courses)

This series encompasses a broad portfolio of study days tailored to the specific needs of sub-specialty trainees in Scotland. All study days are delivered by an experienced faculty of surgeons and anatomists to provide a comprehensive review of both surgical anatomy and operative principles and practice. 

Individual sub-specialty days are focussed on the surgical management of specific conditions or based around key index procedures, and utilize cadaveric material (embalmed, fresh frozen) to review the relevant surgical anatomy and operative approaches. Recent study days include:

  • Trauma Surgery Skills (Surgical Lead: Stuart McKechnie)
  • Breast Reconstruction Study Day (Surgical Lead: Alexander Leeper)
  • Foot and Ankle Study Day (Surgical Lead: John McKinley)

Future study days will utilize a similar format of presentations, cadaveric review and hands on practical procedures to enable higher surgical trainees to gain experience in the other sub-specialty disciplines.

For enquires and further information, please email Ross Jones (Programme Director): Ross.Jones@ed.ac.uk