Graduation 2018

Eleftheria Parasyraki describes how the research environment of the MScR in Biomedical Sciences (Life Sciences) prepared her for her upcoming career.



(Caption) Would you recommend this programme?

Eleftheria Parasyraki: So for someone who wants to work in research and maybe follow the path of academia, I think this is a perfect masters to do because you get the experience of working in a wet lab or maybe a bioinformatician's lab, and then I think it really prepares well a scientist for their upcoming career, maybe to pursue a PhD or even work in industry.

(Caption) How are you benefitting from your programme?

Eleftheria: I really liked how the University of Edinburgh in general is very multicultural. So, I didn't have the chance before to work side by side with people from all over the world and now I have friends literally in different places in the world. And I also like how the University of Edinburgh has so many celebrations, within the UK but also international so we had plenty of chances to meet and talk to very important scientists and pioneers in the field.

(Caption) What did you like best about your programme?

Eleftheria: It was very well organised and we were given the opportunity to actually write two research theses and one research proposal. So we were really taught how to write science, which is one of the most important parts of science. Except for doing the research, they must also be able to communicate the research for both other scientists and people who are not related to science should be able to understand. So I think our programme was very much based on how to communicate yourselves, which I think is very important.