Julia Chu (2012/13)

Studying the MSc by Research Biomedical Sciences affirmed Julia's wish to pursue a career in scientific research.

What did you get out of the course?

Julia Chu

The MSc by Research in Biomedical Sciences gave me valuable opportunities to gain insights into cutting edge research in the real world.

Doing two 20-week project on the themes of cell communication and inflammation not only allowed me to widen my scientific knowledge and techniques, it also gave me the opportunity to work in different labs and start to build my own networks.

The programme affirmed my interest in pursuing scientific research as a career. Apart from lab experiences, this course also provided opportunities to strengthen other skills  that are essential for any future careers.

This course also allowed me to get to know Edinburgh this lovely city!

What are you doing now?

Following the MSc I completed a PhD at the CIR, QMRI. The MSc by Research Biomedical Sciences not only prepared me better for the PhD, it also gave me a taste of life as a PhD student, and affirmed my interest in pursuing a PhD after completing my MSc.

Having completed the MSc by Research Biomedical Sciences I was able to settle into the lab quickly.