Archive: older testimonials

Read our short interviews with students from previous years.

Ines found the lab experience she gained on the MSc Biomedical Sciences essential for her continuation to a PhD.

Wai Kit found the research experience in different fields helped in his decision to pursue a PhD in developmental neuroscience.

Deepti's experience on the MSc Biomedical Sciences has inspired her to pursue a PhD in cancer biology.

Studying the MSc by Research Biomedical Sciences affirmed Julia's wish to pursue a career in scientific research.

Elin gained a range of techniques through group work and working independently, she plans to further these skills by doing a PHD or pursuing a career in teaching.

The MSc programme provided Selene with valuable academic writing and communication skills which inspired her to pursue a career in publishing, as a medical writer.

The MSc Biomedical programme teaches a wide range of techniques providing Megan with more than one career path.

Vandana found learning to write about research was as invaluable as learning about the science itself.

Manu felt that the MSc Biomedical Sciences gave him a head start in his research career and has now progressed to a PhD.

Undertaking real scientific research within the MSc programme has inspired Hao to pursue a PhD in proteomics/mass spectrometry.