Ines Amorim (2011/12)

Ines found the lab experience she gained on the MSc Biomedical Sciences essential for her continuation to a PhD.

What did you get out of the course?

I undertook the themes of Cell Communication and Genetics & Disease.

The experience I gained in both themes helped me define an area of interest within the so many possibilities there are in biomedical sciences. And I learnt much more than I was expecting. Working in the lab and dealing with the day-to-day challenges of doing research taught me much more than books alone could ever do.

What are you doing now?

I am doing a PhD, also in the University of Edinburgh. The experience I gained during the MSc, and the labs I worked in, were absolutely essential for me to continue my studies in this particularly area.

Where are you hoping to go next?

I plan to follow a career in academia. Working in research, having my own lab and teaching in a university are all part of my plans!

Cell communication