Edinburgh the city

Graduates Hamish Runciman, Jess Williams, and Ioannis Kafetzopolous describe sharing a vibrant community with inspiring people in a perfectly sized festival city.



Hamish Runciman: What was best for me about the student experience was having a really good bunch of friends that you could talk about your research with or your failings or your successes and all that kind of thing. Having that kind of network was great.

Jess Williams: Edinburgh's a great place to be a student and it's a vibrant community and there's so many motivated and clever and really inspiring people to be around and work with. Everyone's encouraging and it's a really good place to study.

Ioannis Kafetzopolous: So Edinburgh's a really nice city because I think it has this balance of being a big city, a capital that has lots of festivals and lots of activity and students can enjoy themselves. On the other hand it's quite small, so it has this balance.