Year 3 (Masters)

Dissertation (60 credits)

This course involves producing an extended piece of scholarship (dissertation) which is distinguishable from assessed course work by the greater depth of investigation, analysis, comprehension and critique demonstrated.

The dissertation should have a clear focus with definable objectives and boundaries, achievable in the time and word limit available.

There are two main options available to the student:

a) A practical project in which the student develops a science communication resource, trials and evaluated the delivery of the resource and reflects on the process of design development, delivery and evaluation. The students will explore current practice and other relevant information in the dissertation in addition to reflecting on the process and evaluation involved in the development of a science communication resource.

b) A research project in which the students choose a topic of interest and conduct research using social research methods (mainly qualitative). The dissertation will explore relevant, current knowledge in addition to critically analysing their own research in the context of existing knowledge.