Year 2 (Diploma)

The following describes courses currently on offer in Year 2.

Year 2

Science, Policy and Practice (10 credits)

This course provides a theoretical perspective on political communication, policy making analysis and citizen participation. Participatory and deliberative policy making and communication; both dialogic and deliberative are examine in real world contexts.

Dialogue for Science Communication and Public Engagement (10 credits)

This course is based on dialogue studies within communication scholarship: a practical discipline that has gained momentum over the last 15 years, particularly within organizational development, community engagement and conflict resolution. The communication perspective on dialogue is more of an approach rather than a methodology, a craft rather than a technique which will be explored through case studies.

Science and the Media (10 credits)

This course will review current and future trends in media communication of science exploring the changing roles of the print and broadcasting media and their interaction and expansion through social media. Students will have the opportunity to explore the process of interviewing and being interview on camera and to develop effective science writing skills.

Creative Arts in Science Engagement (10 credits)

The course will explore the diverse possibilities for collaboration with the creative arts in the context of science engagement; for example, storytelling, drama, dance, music and visual art. The module will begin by using story-telling as a gateway for an exploration of the role of narrative and metaphor and will examine the social context of story-telling and its ability to facilitate discussion.

Students will then experience and explore different approaches, processes and perspectives which can be realised through collaborative working between artists and scientists and, in certain contexts, the involvement of audiences in the co-creation of multidisciplinary works.

Museum Exhibitions, Interpretation and Informal Learning (10 credits)

The course will use the Inspiring Learning framework developed by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council to explore science exhibits in museums and science centres and to develop confidence in the process of conception, design, delivery and ongoing evaluation of a science-based exhibit

Principles and Practice in Public Engagement with Science (10 credits)

This course provides students with the opportunity to explore, through case studies, innovative approaches to science communication and public engagement with a focus on project development, audience segmentation, collaborations, evaluation, legacy and impact.

Year 3 (Masters)

Year 3 (Masters)