What you will study

The programme can be studied to PG Certificate, PG Diploma or Masters level - if you are interested, in a formal qualification in science communication then sign up for our Postgraduate Certificate. You can then opt to transfer to the Diploma and the Masters degree.

Year 1 (Certificate) - courses currently on offer include:

  • Introduction to Science Communication and Public Engagement
  • Science Education: Engagement and Enrichment
  • Understanding Science
  • Principles and Practice in Public Engagement with Science
  • Science in Context
  • The Role of Social Media in Science Communication with Public Engagement

Year 2 (Diploma) - courses currently on offer include:

  • Science, Policy and Practice
  • Dialogue for Science Communication and Public Engagement
  • Science and the Media
  • Creative Arts in Science Engagement
  • Museums Exhibitions, Interpretation and Informal Learning
  • Principles and Practice in Public Engagement with Science

Year 3 (Masters)

Dissertation project.

A breakdown of courses currently on offer during Year 1.

The following describes courses currently on offer in Year 2.

Dissertation (60 credits)