The 2nd Edinburgh Pharmacology Symposium and networking event will be held on the 5th May 2017 in the Hugh Robson Lecture Theatre. Programme 8.50-9.00am - Opening Address 9.00-9.40am - Plenary Lecture: The Pharmacology of AMPK: Evolution and Natural Selection Professor D. Grahame Hardie FRS, FRSE, FMedSci, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, UK. 9.50-11.15am Session 1: Target Identification in Neuro-developmental and Neuro-degenerative Diseases Chair: Professor David Wyllie Functional assessment of gene correction of C9ORF72 repeat expansion Dr Matthew Livesey, Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh NMDA receptors, de novo mutations and neurodevelopmental disorders Dr Katie Marwick, Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh Potential therapeutic approaches in the treatment of Rett Syndrome Dr Stuart Cobb, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow 11.15-11.45 - COFFEE 11.45-13.00 Session 2 - From Molecule to Man: A Healthy Heart And All That Chair: Dr Gillian Gray miRNA based therapy in vascular biology: what works and what doesn't Dr Andrea Caporali, Chancellors Fellow, BHF Centre for Cardiovascular Science, QMRI, Edinburgh Medical School. The eye as a window to the kidney Dr Neeraj Dhaun, Intermediate Clinical Fellow, BHF Centre for Cardiovascular Science, QMRI, Edinburgh Medical School. Title TBC Dr Isla Mackenzie, Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO) and Hypertension Research Centre (HRC), University of Dundee and Ninewells Hospital. 13.00-14.30 - LUNCH 14.30-15.45 Session 3 - Academic Drug Discovery: breaking down barriers Chair: Dr Scott Webster Innovating in Cancer Therapy and Drug Discovery Dr Asier Uncit-Broceta, The Innovative Therapeutics Lab, Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, University of Edinburgh Drug discovery for neglected diseases Dr Ian Gilbert FRSC, Head of the Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee. Kynurenine Monooxygenase inhibitors for the prevention of multiple organ failure in Severe Acute Pancreatitis - An Industrial- Academic partnership Dr Jon Hutchinson, GSK, Stevenage, UK. 15.45-16.15 - COFFEE 16.15-17.30 Session 4 - A Case of Toxicity and Antidotes Chair: Professor Michael Eddleston Hypertension management in the era of precision medicine Professor Sandosh Padmanabhan Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow Drug-induced liver injury as a model for precision medicine Dr James Dear Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Edinburgh Testing antidotes for poisoning in large animal models Professor Michael Eddleston, Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Edinburgh 5.30-7.00pm Networking and Wine Reception Registration Please note that there is a nominal £10 registration fee for external registrants Registration for this event is essential for all participants,so book your place for the symposium here: Book a place for Edinburgh Pharmacology 2017 Further information This event aims to provide a networking forum for research workers and clinicians with an interest in therapeutic developments and applications, by describing current projects and activities in the Edinburgh area. It is supported by the British Pharmacological society ambassador scheme and Edinburgh University. Contact Prof Mark Evans: Prof Michael Eddleston: Dr Anne Leaver: Publication date 25 Jul, 2017